Products + Services


Design Your Dream Life

by Urenna Chimso

“Design your Dream Life” breaks down the areas of finances that are key to building the life you desire with over 240 answered questions. Through anecdotes, practical tips, and straightforward, no-fluff answers, Urenna makes learning about finances very easy and accessible for the everyday person. The topics include:

  • Mindset: thinking about money
  • Income: earning money
  • Budgeting: retaining money
  • Investing: growing money
  • Real Estate: employing money
  • Debt: borrowing money
  • Taxes: paying Uncle Sam some money

Take control of your life by knowing how to handle your money. Knowledge today, freedom tomorrow.

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Foundations of Financial Well-Being


This comprehensive course is designed to equip you with the knowledge, skills, and mindset needed to take control of your finances and confidently create a path to financial freedom. With actionable lessons, invaluable resources, and a holistic perspective, “Foundations of Financial Well-Being” is a life with more opportunities. The course focuses not only on money matters but everything that affects your money from your income and relationships to your assets and upbringing.



Coming Soon

Obodo is a community dedicated to putting action to knowledge. In this community, members are intentional about making their financial and life goals a reality, supporting other members, and continuing to grow in knowledge and freedom. This includes a discussion channel, monthly meetings with Ure and other members, and personal growth buddies.

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